Sunday, January 20, 2008

A day spent with doctors

The whole week was rather busy - clearing junks, cleaning leftover paint stains and such.
I met my mom and June at the Chinese Maternity clinic for her appointment with Prof. Chin at 8am. When I arrive there, I thought I was early as it was only 7.30am and guess what? When I stepped in, I was surprised to see a clinic full of people and all seats were taken up. When I registered mom, I was told that there were about 9 patients ahead of her. Instead of waiting, I took my mom and June to Imbi for breakfast. After all, I need to get some stuffs from the market. I made a wise move cos' when we came back to the clinic, we still had to wait for another 3 patients!
Consultation with Prof. Chin went well. My mom seemed to like him but her condition has deteriorated. Medication is just to prevent it from getting worse and medication is very expensive in her case.
My next appointment with EYS physician Dr. Loh was at 11.30am, so the timing was just nice. His acupuncture seems to be working for me (I hope). My blood pressure is now normal and under control and I have not had a migraine for more than a month now. The improvement could also be due to me being jobless now (ha! ha!). My switch of diet to semi organic and vegetables intake may have helped. I have abstained from meat and rice to reduce my high body temperature and I see it working.
Dave introduced another therapy for me to try out. I'll do it after Chinese New Year and if it works, I'll share.

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