Friday, December 24, 2010

A Christmas Message

When I received this message from Dehyana, it is quite clear that this message is not just meant for me but for each and everyone of us.
The gift of forgiveness.
It is always so easy to say "I forgive" but have I really forgive to the extend that I can love the person once more?

"As I contemplate the deeper meaning of the birth of Jesus, I drop my mind down into my heart and let the Christ in Christmas be born in me.

It occurred to me this morning as I glanced at the headlines of our daily newspaper, that a life not centered on Christ is a life filled with longings and desires that can’t find their satisfaction in what this world offers. And it’s obvious as I listen to the endless stories of lives gone bad that each one of us carries way too much negativity in our hearts. As the holidays quickly approach, it is my hope that every person alive, regardless of their religious beliefs, takes part in the birthing of pure heart consciousness through a deep and profound willingness to forgive and forget. What a gift each of us can give to all people everywhere; the gift of total and complete forgiveness of this great illusion.

Christmas reminds us that the love of God incarnated and took a body as the one born in Bethlehem. Christ Jesus, wrapped in solar light, demonstrates the hope of glory hiding in each one of us. The Christ in you is eager to use you as the gift of redemption in this world. Are you willing? Do you want to walk the malls this holiday season and enjoy Christmas celebrations with family and friends without judgment, exhaustion, depression and anger? If so, keep the Christ in Christmas alive by forgiving everyone with a pure heart, regardless of past hurts or regrets. The story of Jesus being born on earth is the story of you being born as the son of man, only to rise as the Christ in God. Bethlehem is in you. The manger is in you as the Christ child, a pure heart, the innocent one, forgiveness incarnate, wrapped in the same solar sun of God’s infinite love!

In case you haven’t realized, we all face the same uncertainty about the future of our planet. There is far too much hatred in the world because there remains unforgivness in our hearts. Ask yourself this right now, “Who and what must I forgive?” If you want the redeemer to live in you, then you must release all negativity through radical forgiveness and give only love and acceptance. And if you wish to join with those of us who are working toward unity consciousness, please get out of your head and get into your heart this holiday season by keeping the Christ in Christmas. Forgive, forgive and forgive some more until you are grateful to God for your life and all things in it.

I invite each and every one of you to join with me as we make a conscious decision this holiday season to live always from our hearts. Merry Christmas to the Christ in each one of us, for we are the light of the world.

Ps. if you don’t know what to give someone this Christmas, stop thinking about what to buy them and simply show up as someone who has made a difference in their life!"

God Bless You,

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