Thursday, January 15, 2009

Belated Wishes...

15 days have come and gone and we're into the 2nd week of 2009. Over the past two weeks or so, I read about resolutions being made for the New Year. Almost all of them are the same : about spending less & wisely, exercising, eating healthily, working smart or spending quality time with loved ones etc.
Hey, didn't we all make the same resolutions year after year and yet, most of the time, they invariably end up broken?
But I do like to make a few wishes because wishes don't require that I exert myself to make them happen. I know I am two weeks behind time as I've been in a lazy spree lately...briefly, here are my wishes:

For our country :
That our leaders will be wiser and treat us as adults. That more of their brains are engaged before their mouths are opened!
That they will set an example for us to live in unity and respect each other irregardless of race and religion.

For private companies :
That they give more to charity because they genuinely want to help and not for the sake of publicity or some advertisement gimmick.

For event/race organizers :
That every event and race will be executed 'from the heart' and not just to make some quick bucks from the participants.

For children :
That we make time to listen to their needs and learn from them at the same time.
Learn to love them unconditionally.
Stop forcing them to grow up so fast, and then insist on treating them like children.

For my fellow runners and athletes :
That they will always remember this quote from Emil Zatopek, "A runner must run with dreams in his heart, and not money in his pocket."
And winning does not always mean being first; winning means doing better than what we've done before.

For my husband :
That he will never lose his unique sense of humour.
That he will continue to share his passion in running with me for as long as possible.

For myself :
That I will always be able to keep my conscience clear and know that I'm doing the right thing.
That I will never be made guilty, left out or stupid just because I choose to stay at home.
That I can continue to run, travel, write, dream, do good and never lack of friends.

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